
Archive for July, 2010

PowerShell Script to Create Web Application and Site Collection in SharePoint 2010

July 15, 2010 Leave a comment

As we all know every time we want to create a web application in SharePoint we first have to create a new web application and then at the root of the application we have to create a site collection using SharePoint Site Collection templates.

If we just create a web application and try to access the site it will not show anything.

To combine the process I created this simple PowerShell script to do both at the same time.


# This script will create new Web Application and then create a new Site Collection

# Set Execution Policy

Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

#Gather the web application and site collection variables

$Name = Read-Host(“Enter the name of Web Application”)

$DatabaseName = Read-Host(“Enter Database Name”)

$Port = Read-Host (“Enter the Port Number”)

$URL = Read-Host(“Enter the URL”)

$AppPoolName = Read-Host (“Enter the Application Pool Name”)

$AppPoolAcct = Read-Host (“Enter the Application Pool account Domain\user”)

$SiteName = Read-Host (“Enter the Name of Site Collection”)

$SiteURL = Read-Host (“Enter the Name of the Site Collection Url”)

$SiteOwner = Read-Host (“Enter the Site Collection Owner”)

$Template = Read-Host (“Enter the Site Template e.g. STS#0”)

# Create Web Application

function create_WebApp


New-SPWebApplication -Name $Name -Port $Port -URL $URL -ApplicationPool $AppPoolName -ApplicationPoolAccount $AppPoolAcct -DatabaseName $DatabaseName


# Create Site Collection

function create_SiteCollection


New-SPSite $SiteURL -OwnerAlias $SiteOwner -Template $Template


if (create_WebApp)


Write-Host $URL





Write-Host “Error”


if (create_SiteCollection)


Write-Host $SiteUrL




Categories: SharePoint